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This blog is about two people and their dreams, and a place where they can write them down so they wont forget, maybe one day theyll come in handy.

worst dream ever award 2009 by rob Friday, November 27, 2009 |

ok i had a dream i was driving home, like normal. my sister and my friend were in my car. i notice that there was some construction done to the road i have to go down to get home. they increased the speed limit and added a ton more trees around it. i thought that was kind of neat. i went to turn down my street, but there were a couple cars parked on it blocking the road. i parked on the side and went inside to ask if they would move, but they were all talking gibberish and wouldnt listen to me. sooo i decided to just take a different road. i went up and turned into a different street, but for some reason the street was a barn. i tapped one of the walls and there was an explosion. we all rushed out of the flames and sat, staring. after the fire died down i noticed that my car was fine and we got our stuff out of the car. but it was surrounded by junk so we had to walk home now, carrying our stuff. we started walking down the first street with the blocked cars, when some giant beetles came out of nowhere and stole my stuff. i knew the beetles belonged to the man who was speaking gibberish and i went inside and yelled at him to return my stuff. he was understanding and was able to get my stuff back. so then we all walked home miserable, and i had to call a tow truck to get my car. then i woke up. how lame, right?

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Job Dreaming by Rob Monday, November 16, 2009 |

I had a dream that I was visiting someone who had replaced me at my office job I had last summer. I toured the office again and a lot of things were different and there was a couple new employees. Not much happened but I got really jealous that I wasn't working there anymore.

Another one from the dream journal - ROB Monday, November 2, 2009 |

i wrote this down in the dream journal and i barely remember the dream. my handwriting is bad so i dont know what i wrote in a lot of it. here goes:

"i was an alien in nyc in an apt [illegible] alien and a monster and we [illegible] to all the producer so we set up a trap"

there you go. no idea.

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Some confusion - ROB |

Its been a long time since we uploaded our dreams so I'm bringing it back.

i wrote this down in a dream journal i have:
"building up robots to get parts
rebuilding robots into statues
watching video - metroid to distant
otherworld - we were inside during the wrong world
green cobra
stephen colbert"

i remember, while writing this down, thinking "oh i know this is brief but i'll understand the gist of it later" now i'm like WHAT

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weird dream Monday, February 9, 2009 |

all i remember about my dream last night is there was this giant ogre guy who was real mean. he was like 10 feet tall and super fat. but somehow me and some random people got it stuck in cement. we buried it in a cave. but it was so loud it made another creature come out and this creature was the size of like a new york city block. it was like a weird fleshy scorpion thing. but we stayed really far away from it, and it didnt like leaving the cave. the end!


dream by rob Sunday, February 8, 2009 |

My dream started out as my friends and I are on a school bus. A group of girls get on who have to play a game where they are zombies. This is the first day of a game called Humans Vs Zombies that my school plays. Somehow there is already like 10 zombies on the first day. Me and my friend Amy gave up on the game after we saw that.

That night I was looking out my window and I saw a bright streak across the sky. It looked like some sort of meteor. I had just moved into this house (in my dream I had never seen it before. Usually in my dreams I live in a place I have seen in real life). So anyway I read my book and went to sleep. The next night my friend Kris and I were driving at night in my car. There was the same meteor! I pulled over the car and watched it slowly go across the sky. My friend Kris was tapping me on the shoulder but I ignored him. He then said "ROB!" and I was all "what!" and he then told me that it wasnt him tapping me on the shoulder but a weird white hand that reached in through my window. I was super freaked out so we went inside my house and told my mom that story.

She didn't believe me but I said "I have to see if that meteor is still out there". So I looked out and sure enough there was was! It looked exactly like the moon except it was more smooth and gray colored, as if it was producing its own light. It hit the ground on the horizon and I showed my mom. She was freaked out. Then the sun rose really fast which was super scary, and the horizon sprouted up golden pyramids all over. Then allll the houses in the neighborhood rearranged into the shape of infinity symbols. I went outside to see what was going on and my car had transformed into an 18 wheeler. I looked at my license and saw that I was approved to drive such a vehicle so I got in and tried to drive away. It was easy for me to maneuver the truck. So I drove to this weird elementary school where a teacher was putting kids through a weird wash thing. She asked me where my ID was and I said I didn't have one yet. No one else noticed how everything changed because of the meteor!! Then my alarm went off. END.


scary times! Friday, January 23, 2009 |

a dream by robert monsieur:

i was in some weird house and neighborhood and for some reason it was my dads house and his neighborhood. it wasnt in texas though, it was in new york. so i was at his house and i dont remember much about that but i do remember my dad came in my room and tried to choke me to death! luckily the doorbell or something rang and someone came in his house. so i went to the window and told these people i knew from highschool to call 911.

then somehow i ended up leaving the house. i was trapped in the backyard because it was designed to keep prisoners in it for some reason. so i eventually found where these kids from highschool were sneaking into the yard, through a tiny hole in the fence. so i crawled into their yard and ran in their house. i said "WHERE ARE THE POLICE?" and they were like "dude we didnt call. we're busy and we thought you were kidding." so i was super pissed at them but i ran out the front of their house.

i stole my dads car and tried calling my mom. for some reason the operator said "we're sorry, your call cannot be completed. this phone has been incinerated." so then i started to worry that my dad killed me mom and burned her body! i quickly called my sister and told her to meet me at my moms house. we went in, and the entire house was mostly empty. there was no one there, and there was no furniture. the power lines to the house were cut.

we were really worried about where to go because my dad was no doubt on his way to kill us! so we each grabbed a butcher knife out of the kitchen and tried to get in my car. my dad put sugar in the gas tank!! it wouldnt start!! aaah!! we decided to go to my sisters house because she has a second floor apartment with a lock on the door. and we didnt think my dad knew how to find her house.

then i woke up at 10am.

but um this dream was 273927x scarier than it sounds!

A Quote

"so, obviously, due to the great merox explosions of 1765, all cats were eliminated from the equation"- Robert