I was in this old house, it was wood paneled and a bit stuffy but nice nonetheless. I was amazed at everything in there. It was night time, and the tv was on. I was in the kitchen and there was a spoon on the counter. I moved it, and it move back to where it was. I called my mom to show her and she got really scared. I wasn't scared at all, I found it totally amusing. The end.
i got a haircut the other day. i had a dream that the hair dresser cut it way too long, and i hated it. i was going to go back there and demand she cut it again. the end.
in my dream i inherited my grandma's house. she decided to move out of it after my grampa died. my parents let me move into this house. i was all excited because i had a car and a house to my own. in the dream i spent most of the time moving my furniture in and rearranging. eventually i had some guests over, for a sort of house warming party, but they all ended up helping me finish moving in. i was ambivalent about moving in because it was a little weird for me to live in their house for some reason.